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OCTOBER 7, 2016

Academic detailing through the eyes of detailers

Our academic detailing service involves service-oriented and one-on-one visits focused on delivering providers with objective, balanced, evidence-informed information on best practices to optimize clinical care. This information is always tailored to each provider’s expressed needs and is delivered at a time that is convenient for them.

So, what does it mean to our detailing team? Below are snapshots of what academic detailing in long-term care means to some of them.

Lucy Feng

“As I came across many caregivers and families in my encounters, the first question I was asked was “who are you?” When I explain to my friends what I do, they often imagine me catching up with physicians casually over a glass of wine. My parents only seem to remember that I’m always on the road. Finally, my co‐workers rarely meet unless it is for training, so to my colleagues it seems like we’re in meetings all day long. In my own perspective, I like to think we’re saving lives by illuminating everyone with the light of evidence based medicine.” Learn more.

Mandip Khela

“Even in the early stages of my career as an academic detailer, it’s clear that two of the more salient themes arising from interactions as a detailer are acceptance and value. Every healthcare professional I have detailed thus far, from behavioural support staff to the LTC home administrators to nurses and physicians, have all commented on the importance of having such a service to help them provide care to their residents. The high level of evidence, summary guides, convenience, and impartiality are just some of the key components of academic detailing that add value to one’s practice. I, for one, have witnessed this value first hand as I have learned a great deal from my discussions with various healthcare professionals.” Learn more.

Brenda Bruinooge

“Our role as academic detailers is enriched with the sharing of unexpected strategies such as a simple colouring book and a pack of crayons to settle an anxious resident, or the smell of apple pie in a room that led a mute resident to speak of a hidden memory. I love to use the quote from a care organization in the USA that reminds us that a person with dementia is not giving me a hard time, they are having a hard time. I am encouraged by how staff in LTC find new opportunities to respectfully enrich and add meaning to the lives of our vulnerable seniors, one at a time.” Learn more.

Learn more about our academic detailing team and the service.

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