The Centre for Effective Practice (CEP) is constantly looking for primary care sites to help pilot test one, or more, of our projects.
Your participation allows for the unique opportunity to have a say in the design of tools, resources or programs and provide feedback on how they are used. Honorariums may be available for participating sites.
As a participating site, you will take part in testing and evaluation where you may be asked to provide information on ease-of-use, impact and efficacy. Sites may also be invited to provide input on the design through user testing prior to implementation. Feedback will be collected through surveys and/or impact interviews as well as other methods depending on the topic.
Sign up below if you are interested in acting as a pilot site.
The Centre for Effective Practice (CEP), as part of the Knowledge Translation in Primary Care Initiative, is developing a series of clinical tools (e.g. decision aids, medication algorithms) to support primary care providers. Clinical leadership from primary care providers (family physicians, primary care nurse practitioners) is central to our tool development process. As such we are seeking expressions of interest from primary care providers interested in a clinical leadership role.
Typically, the clinical lead is a subject matter expert from a primary care perspective. In some instances, a co-lead, who is a specialist or an allied health professional, may share the role.
The clinical lead works closely with the Centre for Effective Practice team and clinical working group (when applicable). The clinical lead provides a leadership role and assists with the overall design and execution of the project. In particular, the clinical lead will:
If you are interested in being considered for a clinical lead role related to any of the topics above please submit: 1. a letter indicating your area of clinical expertise and interest in this project, and 2. a current CV. Expressions of interest, or questions about this project, should be directed to Amanda van Hal at
The Centre for Effective Practice (CEP) is conducting a series of sessions to obtain feedback on the development of clinical tools (e.g. decision aid, evidence summary or algorithm) for primary care providers.
We would appreciate the input of providers to ensure our tools adequately address the needs of their users. If you are interested in participating in a focus group or a prototyping session, please sign up for our usability and focus group sessions, and we will send you updates as they come. We’re excited to hear from you!
The Centre for Effective Practice (CEP) develops a variety of clinical tools (e.g. decision aids, educational resources) to support primary care practitioners. Topic Expert Groups are established to guide and facilitate the development of these clinical tools and provide feedback and expertise regarding the clinical subject matter, realities of primary care, as well as expertise pertaining to the design and testing of the clinical tool.
Please check back for new topics soon!
Time Commitment
The time commitment is dependent on scope of clinical tool, but typically Topic Expert Group members are expected to provide 15 – 20 hours during the development phase. The time commitment may fluctuate throughout the lifecycle of the project and projects may take up to one year to complete. The main Topic Expert Group responsibilities are to review material, participate in 3-4 webinars, and provide feedback to inform the development of the tool.
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