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MARCH 23, 2017

We’ve added a tool and an online program to our suite of pain resources for providers

Throughout recent headlines, we’ve heard about the importance of managing pain and appropriate prescribing. Our team has been working on a number of pain resources to assist providers in their practices. This month, we’ve added to our pain resources for family physicians and primary care nurse practitioners by launching the updated Primary Care Focus on Low Back Pain online program and the Management of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain (CNCP) Tool.

The new tool and online program contribute to our current suite of pain tools, which include the CORE Back tool, CORE Neck Tool and Headache Navigator, and our soon to be updated Opioid Manager. These resources were created to help address appropriate prescribing approaches by Ontario providers and develop and implement a management plan for those living with pain. Read our academic detailing clinical leads’ Op-Ed on opioids in the Medical Post for more information.

Our 2015 Needs Assessment Survey results showed that 84 per cent of respondents were interested in receiving resources on chronic non-cancer pain. As a result, we developed the Management of CNCP Tool to help primary care providers design and implement a management plan for adult patients living with CNCP. To supplement the tool, we are also working on developing resource pages tailored for each of Ontario’s Local Health Integration Networks. These resources will be available for Ontario providers in the coming weeks.

The Primary Care Focus on Low Back Pain program supplements the CORE Back Tool and focuses on the needs of primary care providers while instructing learners on the assessment and management of patients with low back pain in primary care settings. This Self-Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to four Mainpro+ credits and is available to all health care providers across Canada for free.

Visit our website, to see our suite of pain tools and resources for primary care.

New Tool

Management of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain Tool

Download Management of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain Tool

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