Summer is finally here and there’s a lot going on at CEP! Before we all take some well-deserved time off, here’s a quick update on what we are doing to engage and support primary care providers.
The CEP and the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) have entered a multi-year partnership to collaborate on the development and implementation of practice support programs, tools and resources aimed at assisting family physicians and other primary care clinicians in their everyday practice. More details about this partnership can be found below.
CEP Academic Detailers have been busy providing high quality services to the 44 LTC homes engaged in the Appropriate Prescribing Project. Our academic detailing visits are focused on delivering objective, balanced, evidence-informed information on best practices in the homes to providers. Alongside the visits, we recently launched topic two, Falls Prevention – see the Falls Prevention Discussion Guide. Thank you to everyone who helped with the development process of this guide and topic one’s
Resident, Family and Caregiver guide on Use of Antipsychotic Medication.

Demand for the service continues to grow beyond control homes and we continue to receive positive feedback about the service from our evaluations. For example, of those LTC providers and staff who received an academic detailing visit and completed a post-visit evaluation form, 97% said they would be interested in receiving another visit in the future. This is what some of the LTC providers had to to say:
“Good experience to meet with another member of the healthcare profession. The tools provided and the information discussed were relevant and useful for my daily practice in LTC.” ‐ LTC Provider
“Very informative session. Very vital information for all levels of staff.” ‐ LTC Provider
“This was excellent, short and to the point, and very important.” ‐ LTC Provider
We have also launched a number of clinical tools to help providers assess and manage pain. Our pain related tools include the new CORE Neck Tool and Headache Navigatorand the CORE Back Tool.
As part of the Knowledge Translation in Primary Care Initiative, in partnership with Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP) and Nurse Practitioners’ Association of Ontario(NPAO), CEP is pleased to announce that the topics confirmed for 2016/2017 are:
- Pharmacotherapy & Non-Pharmacotherapy Options for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
- Medical Assistance in Dying
- Insomnia
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Youth Mental Health
The topics were chosen based on results of a Needs Assessment survey of primary care providers, input from the Topic Selection Advisory Panel (TSAP) and taking into account system priorities. Thank you to all representatives from the OCFP, the NPAO, College of Physicians and Surgeions of Ontario (CPSO),Health Quality Ontario (HQO), Ontario Medical Association (OMA), Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care‘s Primary Health Care Branch for participating in the TSAP. To date, approximately 1,600 providers have participated in the development of our clinical tools and resources for this project.
I am also pleased to announce the launch of TheWell, a resource for providers to access clinical tools. I invite you to check out the site and share your thoughts. Over the next few months, we will be adding new content and features to the site and our hope is that as TheWell grows, it will become an environment for knowledge exchange and dialogue.
Finally, to learn more about CEP and our priorities, please take a look at our strategic plan. The plan identified four priority areas and helps us achieve our mission – To close the gap between evidence and practice in health care. Thank you to our board members for helping set the direction for the next three years.
Have a relaxing and safe summer!