Jun 2017
The Osteoarthritis Tool is designed for primary care providers who are managing patients with new or recurrent joint pain consistent with osteoarthritis of the hip, knee or hand.
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Electronic Medical Record Resources
This tool is available as a custom form on Telus PS Suite EMR and Ocean.
Below is the Osteoarthritis Tool as custom form. It is recommended that the tool be used on PS Suite EMR v5.2.702 or later to ensure full functionality of the form. Please note that use of the form on earlier versions of the EMR might result in a loss of certain features and functionality.
Ocean and Telus PS Suite: Toolkit installation files & guide
Download EMR FormOcean: Toolkit installation guide
Download EMR FormTelus PS Suite: Toolkit installation files & guide
Download EMR Form
About the tool
The Osteoarthritis Tool was developed for primary care providers managing patients with new or recurrent joint pain consistent with osteoarthritis of the hip, knee or hand. This tool can help clinicians identify symptoms and provide evidence-based, goal-oriented non-pharmacological and pharmacological management while identifying triggers for investigations or referrals.
Divided into four sections, the tool focuses on the following:
- Patient history
- Physical examination
- Diagnosis
- Management
The Osteoarthritis Tool was developed using the CEP’s integrated knowledge translation approach. This approach ensures that providers are engaged throughout the development processes through the application of user-centered design methodology. Clinical leadership of the clinical tool was provided by Dr. Julia Alleyne. A group of clinical and system experts were also engaged to provide feedback on the tool.
The Osteoarthritis Tool was developed based on a need identified by the Arthritis Alliance of Canada (AAC) and suggested this to the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC). The AAC along with the CFPC engaged the Centre for Effective Practice to develop a clinical tool for primary care providers across Canada.
Clinical leads
Julia Alleyne
Dr. Julia Alleyne is a family physician practising Sport and Exercise Medicine at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network. In addition, she trained as a physiotherapist and maintained an active license for 30 years. She is appointed at the University of Toronto, Department of Family and Community Medicine as an associate clinical professor.
In 2009, she completed her Masters with a focus in Health Professions Education. Since that time, she has been active as an educational curriculum consultant including acting as the clinical lead for Ontario’s Low Back Pain Strategy and program designer for the MSK Initiative in British Columbia. In 2013, she was appointed as the first Family Physician to be chair of Bone and Joint Canada.
In addition, Dr. Alleyne’s work in the area of back care includes being an educational consultant for curriculum and tool development for provincial MSK initiatives in Ontario and British Columbia. She has co-authored a series of spine related articles for Current Concepts in Care and is the co-chair for the Spine Quality Based Pathway. Dr. Alleyne has worked with the Centre for Effective Practice for a decade in the area of Primary Care Musculoskeletal tool development and education.
Clinical Working Group
A clinical working group and steering committee oversaw the development of this tool. Members include:
- Matthieu Lafontaine-Godbout, MD
- Victor Lun, MD
- Pierre Frémont, MD
- Sahil Jain, MD
- Gillian Hawker, MD
- Carol Cox – Patient representative
Steering Commitee
- Gillian Hawker, MD
- Jamie Meuser, MD
- Laura Cruz, MD
- Natasha Gakhal, MD
- Louisa Crane – Patient representative
Thank you to all of our members for their work.
Expert Reviewers
Usability participants received a token of appreciation (e.g., gift certificate).