About E2P

Digitally enabled and connected healthcare

Evidence2Practice Ontario (E2P) is working with hospital and primary care partners to improve clinician experience and enhance patient care.

Together, we are designing easy-to-use digital tools and implementation supports that seamlessly integrate the most up-to-date and relevant evidence and quality standards into front-line clinical systems across Ontario.

Simplifying access to the right evidence at the right time means clinicians can focus on caring for their patients.

Accessible Icon


  • Up-to-date and easy to use
  • Embeds into front-line clinical systems
  • Patient-centred supports
Actionable Icon


  • Simplifies clinician workflow
  • Enables integrated care
  • Change management supports
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  • Consistent across clinical conditions
  • Scalable across the province
  • Advances quality

Program Impact

E2P delivers a range of benefits:

Clinician Icon

Primary and Acute Care Clinicians

Easy point-of-care access to a suite of best-evidence tools and implementation supports enhances patient care.

Hospital Icon


Embedding quality standards into health information systems supports adoption and enables consistent, high-quality care across acute care settings. 

Patient and Caregiver Icon

Patients and Caregivers

Shared decision-making tools and better connections to community and self-management resources strengthen patient-centred care.

Health System Icon

Health System

A consistent and scalable approach for province-wide adoption strengthens the overall health system and advances quality improvement.

About the E2P Co-Leads

Evidence2Practice Ontario (E2P) brings together multi-disciplinary, cross-sector expertise under the joint leadership of the Centre for Effective Practice, eHealth Centre of Excellence and North York General Hospital.

All three organizations worked in partnership to establish program operations and continue to collaborate on E2P’s coordinated implementation approach and sustainability planning.

The Centre for Effective Practice (CEP) oversees the E2P program, leads the clinical design of E2P tools and provides Academic Detailing as part of E2P implementation supports for primary care clinicians.

The eHealth Centre of Excellence (eCE) leads the technical design of E2P tools for primary care clinicians and provides change management support to optimize implementation. Primary care access to E2P tools is provided through eCE’s community portal.

North York General Hospital (NYGH) leads the technical design of E2P tools for acute care and provides change management support to optimize acute care implementation.

Learn more about E2P for your Electronic Medical System (EMR) or Hospital Information System (HIS).

Email: evidence2practice@cep.health

Centre for Effective Practice
North York General