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Primary care providers’ concerns specific to the COVID-19 pandemic

A synthesized summary using data extracted from seven webinar sessions hosted by OCFP, CFPC, the OMA, and the Change Foundation.

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The insights outlined will inform the development of evidence-based resources on that are responsive to the unique needs of primary care providers during and after the pandemic. Key themes discovered:

  1. The role of primary care in managing COVID-19 in the community remains unclear. Clarity is needed to ensure a coordinated health systems approach.
  2. Support is needed to effectively operationalize the transition to virtual platforms.
  3. Health system guidance is needed to address and standardize the logistics of delivering virtual care.
  4. Primary care needs a clear and unified strategy around mobilizing services to mitigate the negative downstream consequences of managing the pandemic.
  5. The emotional toll of the pandemic extends beyond the provision of care.

Click here to download the PDF.

May 2020. This report will be continually updated as new data becomes available.

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