Welcome to Nishnawbe-Gamik Friendship Centre

Welcome to our “home” on the Internet. Please take some time to get to know us. If it’s been a while since you’ve visited our Centre, come by and chat with any of our staff to learn more about our activities and programming, or attend one of our community events as our doors are open to everyone.



NGFC Culture Night NGFC Youth Centre
Culture and Drumming Night

Every Wednesday from 5pm-7pm

Everyone is welcome to attend our community culture night every Wednesday which begins at 5 pm with a community meal and fellowship. The evening continues until 7 pm with drumming and traditional teachings.

                                                                                  Youth Centre

Located in the lower level of the Centennial Centre on Front Street, the Youth Centre is open to all youth in the community. For more information about activities, please contact us at 737-2700 ext.2290.